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 I was up at the fishing show at the Rockland Community College in January, and I saw Tony Ritter at a booth. Tony is the guide who Diesel, Tony and I hired a couple of years ago to take us trout fishing down the Delaware. So I dropped some bills on him, and hired him to take me smallmouth bass fishing on July 18th. He said smallmouth fishing is crazy in July. Tony has a drift boat, and his fee is the same for either one guy or two. (Extra guys would require hiring another guide).

 So, I'll be heading up there in the afternoon of Thursday, July 17th, drinking in a redneck bar, staying in some cheap motel, and fishing all day Friday with Tony, then coming back home. Since I hired his services already, it's already paid for, whether he takes one or two guys. Therefore, there's an extra seat on the boat for anybody who might want to go up there with me (UPDATE: Whigger has reserved one seat already). If any more of you guys wants to go, we'll tell Tony to get another guide. The deadline is coming up quick since you'd have to get the guide reserved ahead of time.

 If you're interested, let me know: First come, first fishing!!!